Tinkr Store

0800 77 55 22

Monday-Friday 9am-4.30pm

Closed Public Holidays

44 Fairfax Ave


Auckland 1061

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Your CV joint is subject to powerful forces, so over time it wears out and needs replacing. The CV boot that surrounds it can also split and need replacing, while the bearings can also be damaged by dirt, stones and dust. You might need to replace your CV joint or CV boot if you notice a clicking noise when you turn on one side of the vehicle. Your car might also vibrate when you’re driving.


Here at Tinkr, we have the best aftermarket brands when it comes to CV joints, CV boots, driver shafts, differentials, axel shafts and wheel bearings. NZ DIY mechanics can sort out their CV joints and boots in their own garage, saving thousands of dollars in parts and labour.


Questions about axles and CV joints? Call us on 0800 77 55 22.


1 products found
ABRO CV Joint Grease - 85g ABRO CV Joint Grease - 85g
SKU: CV503
Our Price $15.90 NZD
1 products found
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